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Attorney Review

  • Once signed by buyers and sellers, the contract is forwarded to the attorneys.  Upon receipt of the contract I will contact you to discuss any concerns or questions you may have.


  • Both attorneys will send letters to request contract modifications.   The first letter is usually sent by the buyer’s attorney. Don’t be alarmed when you see that the Contract is “disapproved”.  This is the standard beginning to attorney review and the disapproval language is followed by a statement that the contract would be acceptable ‘with the following changes’ and the requested changes will be listed.


  • Once all changes are agreed-upon, attorney review is deemed concluded and the contract is binding on both parties, subject to any contingencies in the contract.


Three things you should know about Attorney Review:


  • Attorney Review is not limited to three days, however the first disapproval letter must be sent within three days.


  • The Contract is not binding on either party until Attorney Review is concluded.


  • Once Attorney Review is concluded any further changes can only be made by mutual consent.

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